What are the signs of a great trail run for you? There are a multitude of amazing sights, sounds and experiences to be had on just about any trail.
I’ve gathered up some photos of amazing sunsets, trail views, and creatures, racking up a number of unfortunate scrapes, scuffs and other injuries whilst at it. Thinking back over these, I thought I would put together a list of my top 10 signs of a great trail run.
Signs of a great trail run – Amazing Views
1. Those picturesque scenes, or sunsets as golden hour approaches or passes.

2. Rolling hills and expanses of forest. For a sense of total freedom, try tackling a landscape of rolling hills that appear to go on and on forever.

3. Nothing beats a beautiful view point over an expanse of wild vegetation with no man-made objects in sight.

4. Landscapes that make you feel positively minuscule.
5. Endless wild flowers, herbs or other scenery that could easily be transcribed into a painting…

Creature Sightings
6. Those super rare creature sightings. Slow worm sightings here are rare indeed. You would be lucky to see them more than a few times in a year. Bush trail runs in South Africa will also yield some amazing animal sightings.
7. For that matter, any other wild animal sightings are always a welcome sight. Some of the more common around here are: Rabbit, Deer, and Fox.

Dirt, Mud, Scrapes, and Scuffs
8. When you return cut, scraped, battered, and bruised, you know you’ve found a good section of trails…

9. Your sock lines are clearly visible from all the dirt and mud after trail run.

Derelict buildings and magical forests
10. Those settings that look almost magical, or bring about a sense of wonder and get the imagination going. Beams of light that poke through the woodland trees and illuminate parts of the undergrowth can seem surreal at times. Derelict and abandoned buildings also tend to get the imagination going…

Trail running can be an amazing experience, even if just for the views and interesting sights you’ll see along the way.
Even if you continually run the same route, you’re sure to discover something new each time you head out.