UTS 100k – Ultra-Trail Snowdonia Eryri

uts 100k, descending glyder fawr

I booked UTS 100k soon after running the UTS 50 event last year. The mountaineous terrain in Eryri is very challenging, and the race promises a ‘brutal but beautiful’ experience. Both of those claims were delivered this year with another hot race weekend in the mountains. Race Profile The race is 104km in length, with … Read more

Four seasons of trail running

four seasons of trail running feature image. A photo of the Crib Goch mountain ridge line in the distance.

I just realised it’s been 3 months or so since I last wrote on my blog. Time has flown by this year already. I’ve had a busy start with work, family life, and of course running too. Now would be a good time to update my blog by posting a short trail running film I … Read more

Taking on the Dragon’s Back Race

Running in the Rhinog Mountains, Dragon's Back Race

Summarised, the Dragon’s Back Race was a week running the ‘spine’ of Wales in a week of particularly intense heat. This week-long adventure was interspersed with lasting memories and friendships forged in the shared enjoyment of the mountains of Wales (and the hardships we endured). The Dragon’s Back Race (Ras Cefn y Ddraig in Welsh) … Read more

Paddy Buckley Round Recce – Legs 4 and 5

Making my way up to Pen yr Ole Wen after passing Tryfan

The third day of the Paddy Buckley Round Recce Experience with Climb South West had us starting in Llanberis and finishing in Capel Curig. This would cover legs 4 and 5 of the route. See other posts in this blog series: Paddy Buckley Round Recce Leg 1 Paddy Buckley Round Recce Legs 2 and 3 … Read more

Paddy Buckley Round Recce – Legs 2 and 3

Continuing on with the Paddy Buckley Round blog series, this post details the experience over legs 2 and 3. These experience or ‘recce’ days were done with Climb South West as a group effort. See the the previous part 1 (leg 1) blog post here My Strava activity shows we covered about 38km (24 miles) … Read more

Paddy Buckley Round Recce – Leg 1

Paddy Buckley Round team

Over the last week I spent 3 days in North Wales doing a Paddy Buckley Round ‘experience’ with a group organised by Climb South West. The Paddy Buckley Round is a fell running challenge in Snowdonia, Wales (Eryri). The full route itself forms a circuit of a bit more than 100km, with around 10,000m of … Read more

Mountain Running Motivation

mountain running

Running gives us time to think about a lot of stuff. Especially when we’re out on our own. Something I was mulling over recently was about mountain running motivation. Specifically, I thought about how we’re motivated to go running in the mountains for the amazing scenery and experience, but must always work hard to earn … Read more