Mountain Running Motivation

Running gives us time to think about a lot of stuff. Especially when we’re out on our own. Something I was mulling over recently was about mountain running motivation.

Specifically, I thought about how we’re motivated to go running in the mountains for the amazing scenery and experience, but must always work hard to earn these nice things.

So the cycle goes: convince yourself to get outside for the activity, do the hard work, and then reap the rewards. It’s a yin and yang sort of relationship with the mountain. It provides us with these wonderful benefits from the views, to the experience, and sense of achievement. But they don’t come easily – we must climb, sweat, and toil first.

I’ve had a number of fun and rewarding mountain running experiences over the last year. I plan to continue doing so in 2023. Using footage and video I collected over some of these expeditions, I put together a small mountain running motivation short film.

Have a watch if you enjoy mountain running, or are just simply looking for a bit of motivation and inspiration to get out there!

Planned Mountain Adventures for 2023

I’m looking forward to a number of running adventures in 2023 that involve more mountain running. Here’s my current list:

Take a look at my own curated video list if you’re looking for more trail running, running, and ultra running videos and documentaries.

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