Setting Goals To Keep Up Winter Running

rain drops

Cold weather can really get you down and kill the mood to exercise. I personally struggle with early morning exercise. Even more so when it is cold and dark in Winter. Maintaining a regular exercise routine can be very challenging when the cold weather sets in and the daylight hours diminish. I find that setting … Read more

Running Cadence Training With Music

woman running in field

A higher running cadence can help your feet hit the ground closer to mid-foot. This can reduce some slow-down caused by heel strikes. It can also reduce stress on your knees, hips, lower-back and skeletal system in general. I’ve been focusing on some running cadence training with two goals in mind: Training for a closer-to-mid-foot … Read more

Ankle Roll Recovery and Prevention

woman with injured ankle

Rolling your ankle on a run is the last thing anyone wants. It can happen to anyone, and could be your fault, or might just be plain bad luck. If you’re in the habit of performing the classic ankle roll, or have recently rolled your ankle, this post will help you with recovery, and prevent … Read more

Trail Running Hazards and Mishaps

trail running hazards in the woods

There are plenty of things that can go wrong when out trail running. I’ve collated a list of some humourous (and not so humourous) mishaps that have happened to me over the years. With that said, here is my personal collection of trail running hazards and mishaps. Common Trail Running Hazards These are the more … Read more